
about new

I put together a graphic of the many bands that have had a positive influence on me throughout my life. In no way am I profiting from this graphic.
Hello, my name is Todd Carson.
I’m a digital artist. I have worked in many different fields within the graphics industry. While some fields are much different from each other, they all share a creative aspect that drives me. Whether it’s feature film visual effects, television, motion graphics, photography, print or web design, they all share a similar creative approach to accomplishing a finished product.
One of the most gratifying things in life is to be able to create. Everyone does something creative probably everyday of their lives. We don’t always recognize it, but we all create. So, I feel if more people became aware that they’re creating, while actually doing it, even if it’s just viewed as a simple task, then we can all benefit from it. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, while creating, is a really healthy mentality to have.
Music has had a large influence on my life. My mother introduced me to a lot of amazing bands at a very young age. Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and Jimi Hendrix are just a few. Around the age of ten my brother started to influence me. He was really into Heavy Metal and Punk Rock. This had a large impact on what I started to listen to and I started to explore many different genres of music. 
He took me to my first concert on my 13th birthday. It was Iron Maiden touring on Somewhere in Time. I was hooked. My friends and I would take the bus and then BART, or bum a ride to go to the venues all over Contra Costa County and the Bay Area. I look back now at all of the amazing bands that we were able to see live. Some of the bands played at very small clubs across the Bay Area. 
I think everyone can agree that music plays a very large part in all of our lives. We might not all have the same taste in music, but I think we can agree that whatever makes you happy while listening to it, is pretty amazing.